Traveling Home June 08


I slept from midnight to 3 am and that was it.  I am always so anxious on travel day.  This time I am alone and I don’t have young people running interference for me.
I checked out of the Plaza at 6:15.  I called for an Uber and I was concerned when they sent me another Suburban.  However this driver was determined to get me in the seat.  I can’t really climb but I could put my butt back against the seat and drag myself up by the handles.  Success!
Had a pleasant drive on surface streets to the airport.  When I got out I saw there were baggage handlers outside the airport already.  I approached one and asked if I was too early to check my bag.  He said “ we have a 6 hr window and you just made it.”  Thank God.  I was so happy.  
He printed out my boarding pass for me and called for a wheelchair and directed me to the wheelchair area just inside the door.  They put me in a chair immediately and in about 3 minutes someone was wheeling me to security.  

For some unknown they pulled my bag for secondary inspection.  It was backed up and there was only one guy doing it.  He asked if there was anything sharp in there and I said no.  Then he proceeded to inspect the bag of cashews I had in my bag.   Weird.  Finally he let us go and it was on to Gate D 36.

You should see the Starbucks line!  Crazy!  But the yogurt place wasn’t busy so I ordered a yogurt parfait for breakfast.  There was lots of fruit in it and it was yummy. This was around 8 am and my plane didn’t leave until 12:35 pm. I watched a flight to New York City leave.  They were determined to send me to JFK.  They couldn’t figure out why I was sitting in the airport five hours early.
Then I watched a flight to Salt Lake City come and go.  Finally it was Detroit’s turn.  
I pre boarded and the flight was fine.  It always goes downhill when I land in Detroit.  There was only one Wheelchair assistant and he was attempting to push two of us.  I was also pushing my walker in front of the wheelchair.  He was having trouble and the other lady had a plane to catch so I told him to leave me and take her to her plane.  He said he would come back but he never did.  I had a driver from Windsor waiting for me and I was concerned because I was taking so long. After a LONG  time someone else came to push me.  She seemed very inexperienced but we finally made it to get my suitcase and to door 5 where my driver was still waiting, Thank God!

So happy to be home!

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