Day Eleven, June 6

 I have had the most fantastic day today. The day started around 11 o’clock when I met up with a former board member named EdinPa and his lovely wife. We sat at the tables in the food court area in the Plaza and talked and talked.  We talked about old friends and old boards, about LV Talk/Open Vegas, health issues, all the Vegas changes that bug us.  They are also cat lovers like me.  We talked until out butts were sore and they left and I decided I needed to go to Binion’s.

I have always loved Binion’s for many reasons. The music isn’t too loud which is a refreshing change!  Its cafe is such a good value. My first stop was at the cafĂ© to have a club sandwich and that potato salad that I love so much. I don’t like the fact that they put ham in the club sandwich. I mean, I like ham but I don’t want it in my club sandwich so I picked the it out. The food was delicious as always. I’ll saved half of it for my dinner tonight. My bill was $18 but for some strange reason they only charged me 15 but I had $23 in food comps  so didn’t cost me anything at all. 
After eating, I went to that Video Poker area that I’m fond of back by the snack bar. There’s 10 old Game King machines and five of them are out of order so I am starting to think that that area won’t be around much longer. It doesn’t seem like they’re very concerned about trying to fix them.  I got situated on my favourite machine and tried as hard as I could to spend my $100 but I couldn’t lose it. Just amazing ! It was so quiet I was actually starting to get sleepy. That happens after I eat sometimes. So I decided to mosey over to the snack bar and get a cup of what they call custard which is just soft ice cream. After I got it, I was debating where to eat it. I thought maybe they wanted you to stay in that area where the tables were but I spotted a Patriotic Chicken machine (which is similar to the Rich Little Piggies machine) so I decided to sit down and play that while I ate my chocolate custard because it was right next to the snack bar.
I set the machine at 90 cents and started spooning the custard into my mouth and on
my very first spin I won $100 and I was like “what the hell just happened?”Upon further study, I realized that the machine said .90 but it was set at the five cent denomination so I was actually betting $4.50 every spin! But since I now had an extra hundred that I didn’t realize I was going to have I decided to keep spinning at that amount for a few spins.

The machine chose to go crazy at that point and kept giving me bonus after bonus after bonus. I’m enclosing a video of one of them. I played that machine for at least two hours and I cashed out with $1200. I only put in 100 to begin with! That was pretty exciting!

 I tried to take my ticket over to the to the cash out station, but it wouldn’t accept that big a  ticket so then I went over to the cashier. She made me wait while she she called someone upstairs to “verify it” whatever that means.  Eventually I got my $1200 and went on my way.
I stopped into ABC on my way back to the Plaza and bought some more fruit.  I fervently wish that darn Cream Store wasn’t next door to ABC.  They pounce on me every time I come near.

Back at my hotel I rested for while. Around 6 pm I went downstairs and gave Plaza some more play. I played all the usual things.  I tried an All Aboard and got a nice $300 bonus.
And now I am in bed for the night at 8:30 pm. My bedtimes are getting later!

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