Fall 2024 Trip Day Two October 8


It is Wednesday morning and I must start this post by issuing a warning. If you ever stay at Fountainebleau , you may find that you never leave the bed. This bed is so incredibly comfortable. Your entire vacation may be spent right here!

On to tell you about Tuesday. I spent the morning lying in this bed doing Monday’s trip report, but then I knew I had to tackle the shower. The shower here is enormous. I mean you could fit 15 people in it if you really wanted to, but I was concerned about if the floor would be slippery and I always wish there was a railing to hold onto. There is also no hooks or anything to put your washcloth on. It also appears that you have to stand under the shower spray in order to adjust the temperature, but I found once I actually got in that I could stand a little to one side so it wasn’t too bad. And I was happy to note that  while the tile on the floor is shiny, it wasn’t slippery so that was good for me. ( I have some mobility issues at this point of my life) so I successfully managed to get clean without killing myself.  I placed my phone on the bathroom floor just in I fell and had to crawl out of the shower. Then I went on to use the super sonic air dryer in this place. I didn’t study what brand it was, but it’s actually the strongest air dryer I’ve ever used. My hair was dry in one minute.

I looked longingly out of my window and wished I could walk over to Ross and Peppermill but I know I would make myself even more ouchy than I already am if I attempted it so I decided to stay put. 

Once  I had completed my morning  toilette I went downstairs to the second floor in search of this food hall area. I had to walk about 40 miles from the guest elevators to this food hall, but I found it eventually. Many of the restaurants weren’t open yet, but the bagel place was doing a booming business so I approached it with some trepidation. If I had been smart, I would’ve studied the menu up in my room before I came downstairs but I wasn’t smart and I stood there, trying to read the menu signs. I could see the titles of things, but the teeny tiny descriptions underneath were not visible to me.  So the menu was a mystery.  I wound up ordering the cheapest option which was a guava bagel and I don’t even know what guava is!  Happily it was delicious so I enjoyed my morning meal.

This report should be entitled “ What is wrong with Bonnie?”.  It would be a fairly long list. About 25 years ago I had Lasik surgery. One eye had to be done twice. Ever since then that eye gets irritated very easily, and I have to put eyedrops in daily. I am in need of cataract surgery, but the eye doctor told me that sometimes when you’ve had Lasik surgery first it is more difficult for them to find the correct lens for your eyes. So I am fearful of having the cataract surgery and haven’t gotten around to doing it yet. Hence, my inability to read signs.  There, you now  know more about me than you ever wanted to know. Sorry about that.

After eating, I went downstairs to the casino in search of my beloved Mo Mummy machines. I found one and settled in but I noticed that the $200 in FreePlay I was supposed to have wasn’t present so I went over to the Rewards desk and asked about it and apparently I needed to have my drivers license with me in order to prove who I was. A credit card would not suffice.  So I had to go all the way back up to the room (which to a normal person isn’t far but for me it’s a long trudge ) to get my drivers license and come back to the desk and then they put the $200 in FreePlay on my account. I settled back into the Mo Mummy machine and played for hours.  I eventually got up to visit the women’s washroom. ( I bypassed the men’s this time!  Yay me!) I tried a few other machines.  I even went to Suzanne’s (Matt Bridger) chickens but they were not kind to me at all.  I gave up on them and returned to my mummies.

At one point in the afternoon, a young man walked up to me and I thought “Oh no! Is this is some kind of scam?”  But no,  it was a host and my first thought is always “Why is a host approaching me?”  Apparently he’s a fairly new host so maybe I was some kind of trial person?  We had a nice chat and I remarked to him that I am no big spender. I was betting $.75 at a time. But he said it’s not so much about how big your bet is but about the amount of time you spend in the casino.  ( Is he saying that that spending six hours at a Mo Mummy machine is crazy? LOL)  Anyhow he has my information now and he said the usual “ If you need any help call me” thing.

By 5 PM I was tired and ready to call it quits. I had the usual gambling day, up and down, up and down but I was going back to the room with a $200 ticket so that was good. I stopped again at the food court to take dinner back to my room and decided to try one of Capon’s burgers. Once again, I stood there a while, trying to decipher the sign. I went with a classic burger, which, unfortunately had dill pickles on it.  $16.   It was kind of wet, but it tasted good. I also purchased a ten dollar scoop of ice cream.  It had pretzels stuck in it which I could have lived without but it was ok.

I watched the news and conked out around 7 pm and woke up around 7 am this morning.  I think this is the first time in my life I have slept the clock around!  This bed is magical! 

The kids went to the Museum of Illusions and had a blast. I am adding a few of their pictures.

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Day 8 of my Fall 2024 Vegas trip report October 14

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