Day Two, May 28

 I got a solid nine hours of sleep last night. That’s incredible for me. When I woke up the clock next to me said 5 AM. Then I went to look at the window and saw that it was broad daylight, so I figured that couldn’t be right. So I checked my phone and saw that it was 6 o’clock but I don’t know how to change the time on this clock next to me so I’ll just ignore it.

 I decided to shower and turned on the hot water. I waited and waited but the water never got any hotter. I realized that I was going to have to take a cold shower for the first time in my life. I was not looking forward to it.  I really had no choice. I was grubby and needed to clean up. So I stepped into the shower and suffered the icy cold water running down my body. But after another three minutes or so it finally started to warm up. So there is a cautionary note for you if you are staying at Planet Hollywood make sure to let the shower run for about 10 minutes before you step into it. Another issue for me is the marble floors in the bathroom are slippery when wet.   I have to be very careful.

After I got presentable, I went down to the casino. I needed some new Caesars cards because mine had expired. I find the Planet Hollywood casino to be a maze.  I can wander around there forever trying to locate things.I was planning on going to Hollywood Cafe for breakfast because I have some room comps but it was packed.  So I went over to Starbucks.  I got a water, a yougurt parfait, and a slice of banana bread.  The water was $9!!!   This had better be the best water I have ever tasted.  Ha!

I tried a few of the more modern games that I’ve had fun on before but nothing was hitting for me today. I just bounced from the machine to machine, $20 here $40 there.  Then I noticed off in a corner my old friend, the Buffalo Deluxe.  I decided to go say hello to my old favourite and finally started getting some bonuses, even one for about $300. While I was playing the fire alarms went off. I’m always confused as to why the staff doesn’t make an announcement while this is happening. They should say “we’re on fire run for your life” or “please ignore this annoying sound”,  but they never do anything at all.  I was near an exit so I figured it was as good a place as any to wait it out.  It went on and on for the longest time but finally they just turned it off and there was no explanation. Weird.

It was about 1130 this point so I decided to go up to the room and rest until I had to go out again so I didn’t burn myself out again. They said they would clean my room daily but no one came this morning.  ( They did come at 3)

I  left the room around 3 and went over to Paris. I played a tiny bit while I waited for Mike and Terin to join me for dinner at Bedford.  It is a lovely restaurant. So relaxing and elegant.  We all chose the Fixed Price menu for $119.  We all enjoyed the salad and the pierogis.  The chicken was tasty but mine was a bit dry.  We also ordered a side of Mac and cheese but I found it pretty bland.  But dessert was highlight of the meal for all of us.  It was amazing.  It was an upside down lemon meringue.   Delicious!  I would return just for that dessert.

The next chore was getting a cab to the Sphere.  Paris has moved the ride share to their parking garage while they are building the new walkway.  We got a pleasant but kooky driver who chose to drop us off way behind the Sphere.  Security guards came running and told her she couldn’t let us off there but she just ignored them and we got out.   Then we had a long trudge to the Sphere entrance but we were an hour early so we just had to stand there for eons.  Finally we got inside and got to observe the talking robots for awhile. It is a confusing layout but we made it to our seats.  I was happy I put us in a wheelchair row and we didn’t have to go up or down those crazy steep stairs.   We loved Postcard from Earth except for the first and last few minutes.  The rest was just incredible!  I really enjoyed it but I was very tired and ouchy and getting back to my hotel took forever.  I had to walk a long way to an area beside the Sphere and both the ride share area and the taxi area were packed.   They need a better way of getting people to and from the attraction.  Why do they dump you out the front doors when all the transportation is in the back?  We finally got a cab and the kids came back to my room with me and I gave them most of the stuff in the fridge.

Once again I am too tired to gamble.  This is the least amount of gambling I have ever done in my first two days in Vegas!  I am off to bed.  I made it to 10:30 pm tonight.

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