Day Three, May 29

I had another fabulous long sleep.  Woke up around 8:30 and got ready for the day.  The first thing I wanted to do was visit Miracle Mile Mall because I haven’t been there in ages. I don’t really remember how big this thing is, so I was hoping I wasn’t going to regret this decision. I walked for a while and then I was thrilled to see the store that I used to visit all the time about 15 years ago. It’s called Shemoni and it has been in this mall for 22 years the sales ladies were telling me. Unfortunately, the products have changed. They used to have the most gorgeous good quality jewellery that was done with marcasite.  I had bought about 10 pieces of that jewellery over the years and I was looking to get a replacement for a piece that I seem to have lost.  It was a necklace that had an oval clear stone that was surrounded by marcasite. I really liked it and I was sad that it was gone.  But they don’t have the abundance of marcasite jewellery anymore. Covid hit them very hard. They still had a lot of pretty things and even though I need jewellery like I need a hole in the head I had to buy one piece just for old times sake. I will take a picture of it for you.

After that fun experience, I kept on trudging and trudging. I stopped into something called an H&M store and looked around a bit. I’ve heard that they had large women’s sizes there but nothing caught my interest so I left. As I walked along, I was accosted by no less than four cream sellers, one of them being a man surprisingly enough. I was also yelled at by someone selling phone cases (of all things) and there was a woman trying to sell me fake weed products.    Like so many places this mall seems to have gotten bigger to me. 

I finally stumbled across one of the ABC stores and I went in and bought some blueberry parfait yogurt ,some nuts and some sugar-free vitamin water for snacks. Then I continued wandering and trying to find my way out of this maze. I walked through the construction part which was pretty unpleasant but finally I could see the Earl of Sandwich in the distance so I knew I was getting close to an entrance. 

I decided to go back to the Buffalo Deluxe machine that was nice to me yesterday. I wondered if I could eat my yogurt at the slot without someone getting annoyed and I managed to do that. As it often happens the slot that loved you yesterday, hates you today. The Buffalo machine sucked back all the winnings that it gave me yesterday unfortunately.

I returned to my room around 1 pm to rest before we went out again.  At 4 Mike and Terin joined me at Gordon Ramsey Burger for dinner.  The burgers were delicious but once again, dessert stole the show. They put ice cream in the middle of his sticky toffee pudding.  So YUM!

We came back to my room for an hour then we went downstairs to catch an Uber or Lyft to make our way down to the Neon Museum for 7:30 pm. It was then that our evening went south.  We got in a white Lyft and made it out of the PH garage and into the traffic on Las Vegas BLVD right in front of PH when the car died.  The driver tried repeatedly to start it.  It would vibrate like mad but it wouldn’t move. He tried over and over. Finally we started to tell him “Look you have to call the cops or something. We can’t just sit here in the middle of the road indefinitely!”

He called 911 but his English was so poor that he couldn’t make himself understood so I took over and was explaining why we needed help.  Then we sat for what seemed like forever, with cars beeping at us and swirling around us.  We REALLY wanted to get out.  He kept attempting to start the car.   Terin was starting to panic.  But we were in the third lane over.  The young people might have been able to scamper through the traffic without getting killed but I sure couldn’t and I needed to get my walker out of his trunk.

After what seemed like an eternity some cops appeared. Mike had just started to call 911 again. I was never so happy to see uniforms in my life.  They stopped the traffic and helped the driver push the car over to the side of the road where we could finally get out safely.  I was shaking I was so upset.  We were all super relieved to escape.  I posted a picture of the Lyft. 

 We walked over to the taxi stand at Paris and got another cab.  This guy drove like a bat out of hell down highway 15 which I hate but we did make it to the museum just as our tour was starting.  We did the nighttime tour and then the Brilliant show which we all enjoyed.  Then we got a nice relaxed Uber driver who drove us calmly down LV BLVD all the way to our hotels.  Thank God for drivers like that.

Too tired to gamble, just headed right for bed.

What a day!

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Day 8 of my Fall 2024 Vegas trip report October 14

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