Day 9 of my Fall 2024 Vegas trip report. October 15



I woke up at 5:30 am today.  I think I’m still on east coast time. Did my trip report.

Then I went to shower and I couldn’t get the water to come on. Tried and tried, but I couldn’t do it.  I don’t want to have to change rooms!  I just got settled here.  So I called guest services and the fellow on the phone told me to pull the handle out (which is weird). I’ve never seen that before. He said “go do it now and I’ll stay on the line” and so I I did and sure enough it worked. I thanked him profusely but I said you really should put a sign on the bathroom wall telling people to pull the handle OUT. Another thing you should know if you ever shower here is that they give you shampoo and body wash but no conditioner.  Actually the shampoo and body wash looked and smelled the same so I think it might have been the same thing.

After I was dressed, I looked longingly out the window at the CVS. It seems so close. I know it’s really not that close for someone like me but I decided I was going to stagger over there to get a few things that I needed. Well, that wasn’t a very good idea. First of all there’s weird construction all over the place. Both NYNY and Park seem to be working on signs so there’s all these tunnels made out of plywood that you have to walk through. Also I was expecting normal, flat, level sidewalks.  Instead everything is hilly.  You are either walking on a slant up or down.  Thank goodness my brakes still work on this old walker.  The worst thing is that the sidewalks are all cobblestones or some other decorative crap that makes it really hard for me to walk on. 

When I went in the first tunnel, there was a homeless woman with a dog which always makes me very sad. There was another homeless man talking to himself a little further down the tunnel.    I crossed the crazy busy street. They only give you 19 seconds to cross and I need all of those 19 seconds. Then I went through the next tunnel, and there was another homeless man with another dog, and I was like oh my God.  At one point I considered crossing the street to go to Walgreens on the other side of LV BLVD but as usual, the elevator to the crossover bridge wasn’t working, so that wasn’t an option.  

Finally I entered into the CVS  and it was very strange. I don’t know if they have to restock their store every morning or what.  There were a ton of empty shelves! Also many items are locked up behind glass.  Anyhow I found most of what I wanted; more protein bars, more UTI meds, toothpaste.   I was looking for eyeshadow just to see what they had but their makeup shelves had lots of foundation and lipsticks and almost no eyeshadow?  What the heck?   Is that what people buy/steal first?

I had decided to try my luck at Park today since I haven’t set foot in there since it was the Monte Carlo.  I knew I had to pass one of the dogs again to get to Park so I also bought a big bag of Beggin Strips.   When I went to cash out there were no humans, just self check out.  I hate shopping anymore.  I stood around till someone noticed me and helped me out.  When I got back to the homeless man I gave him the treats and he thanked me and said his dog likes that kind.  The dog jumped to his feet and ran over as soon as he saw the bag.  I sure hope that guy gave the treats to him!

I went inside Park and wandered around looking for a ramp so I could get into the casino.  Good luck finding THAT.  There is one but it is not visible and there is no sign.  Also let it be noted that many of the automatic handicap doorways that I encountered on this trip weren’t working including this one at Park. 

 Made it inside eventually and walked all the way through.  It is larger than I remembered.  Walked almost to the far end before I found the Mo Mummies.   To say this machine was more cooperative than the one I was playing last night is an understatement.  I put $100 in and got it up to over $800.  Nice!

I played there until around 3 then made my way back to NYNY.  I rumbled my way through the darn cobblestones to get to the pizza place than does the slice and a beer for $11.99.   It was tasty.   Then I went to a different MoMummy than I was on last night but it was still pretty crummy and took all my days’s profits away.  Sigh. 

Came back to the room at 5pm and I am in for the night.

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